Airdrie Truck Accident Lawyer

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Airdrie Truck Accident Lawyer

Got into an accident with an 18-wheeler or other large-scale commercial trucks? If so, you certainly have got plenty of hassles ahead. The good news is you don’t have to face them all alone; Airdrie truck accident lawyers are here to help you.

Truck accidents are indeed severe. Some injuries are life-threatening, requiring huge medical expenses. And whenever a commercial truck driver is negligent, you deserve a compensation for all your pains and injuries.

Don’t expect the insurance or the trucking company to volunteer. They will try to trick you and close the deal by paying the most negligible amount possible.

So, what to do in such a situation?

Well, we have got our back! Each of our Airdrie truck accident lawyers comes with several years of expertise to help you get your rightful compensation. If necessary, we will fight for your case in the court too.

Some common causes of truck accidents

A truck accident can happen at any moment in time due to any of the following reasons: 

  • Driver fatigue 
  • Driver under a rush or tight schedule to complete a trip 
  • Distraction while driving 
  • Unsafe passing or parking on the roadside
  • Changing lanes 
  • Taking dangerous turns 
  • Failure to use reflectors and lights 
  • Driving the influence of drugs
  • Tire blowouts 
  • Equipment failure 
  • Adverse weather conditions

Common Injuries from truck accidents

A truck accident can result in several injuries and damages, especially the tractor-trailer trucks. They have a much greater breaking distance due to their size and weight, ultimately making it tougher for the truck drivers to come to a complete halt to stop the accident from taking place.

Here is a list of the common injuries that most truck accident victims tend to experience the most: 

  • Chronic pain 
  • Traumatic brain injuries 
  • Broken bones 
  • Internal bleeding and other damages 
  • Burns 
  • Rib and torso injuries 
  • Paralysis 
  • Seat belt injuries 
  • Back and neck injuries 
  • Lacerations 
  • Spinal cord injuries 
  • Wrongful death

N.B: Even the slightest truck accident can result in severe injuries. So, if you have been wounded in any kind of motor vehicle accident, then make sure to take immediate medical treatment. Otherwise, if left untreated, it may become incurable.

What should I do if I’m involved in a truck accident?

Your first and foremost duty is to ensure your own safety and resort to medical aids for your wounds.

After all, if you are safe, you can only move on to the next step. Besides, as most truck accidents happen in highway areas, staying on the road or closer to the damaged vehicles can prove risky. Therefore, try to move away from the accident scene as soon as possible.

However, if you are not able to get out of your vehicle due to the severe injuries, then try to make a phone call to the police or emergency helpline to send an ambulance to the accident scene immediately.

Truck accidents, in most cases, are severe. As a result, several victims remain in a state of shock or full of adrenaline that they can’t understand their inside body conditions.

And when it gets worse, they only feel the pain and visit the doctor. However, till then, the inside damage gets worsened, ultimately resulting in a fatal condition.

That’s why, whether minor or major, you should seek medical treatment, as internal bleeding and injuries may happen. A proper diagnosis will help to detect those.

Besides, these medical reports play a crucial role in determining the compensation and strengthening the case.

If you don’t receive any injuries or mild, then try to gather the contact details of other victims and witnesses and the other parties’ driver insurance information. Plus, any pictures or video of the accident scene and your injuries can be useful for further lawsuits.

However, if you can’t do it, then dont take the stress. Instead, let the police collect this information.

Things you should never do at the truck accident scene

  • Never make the mistake of admitting your fault. The best is to remain silent for the time being and let your lawyer handle things, as anything coming from your mouth will be noted down. Thus these words can backfire and put you in trouble.
  • No need to talk or agree to any settlement as offered by the insurance companies without the right guidance from your lawyer. The insurers always want to pay a lower compensation, much less than the actual amount you deserved, and would have gotten through the proper channels.

Should you deal with the insurance company and make a claim?

The answer is a big no!

Always keep in mind that the ultimate goal of every insurance company of the truck driver or the trucking companies is to pay you the most negligible amount possible. One common mistake people make is to talk with the insurance companies and think it is a good settlement amount, so why take the later hassle?

This is the problem here, as the insurance companies know how to allure a victim and pay them less, while making them think what they are paying is more than enough.

However, if you have an experienced lawyer at this time, they will not dare to do so. And even if they did, it would be useless as the lawyers know the gaps and strategies to deal with and beat them in their talks.

Therefore, the smartest decision is to hire an experienced truck accident lawyer and let them negotiate with the insurance companies on your behalf.

Besides, talking with the insurers, they can help us in determining and ensuring we get the rightful compensation, depending on the degree of our injuries and damages.  Such as disability, loss of present and future earnings, pain, suffering, etc.

These truck accidents are serious and can affect the victim’s life severely. This is where an experienced lawyer can help get the rightful compensation one truly deserves. As for an average person with no legal knowledge, it is tough to understand the gaps and determine the compensation they deserve. And if the case goes to the court, they can even represent it in the trial.

Why choose Airdrie Truck Accident Lawyers?

We are ready for the fight of your life!

Whether be it minor or major–an accident is an accident. And unlike other automobile accidents, truck accidents have the most severe consequences.

If the bodily injuries and mental trauma weren’t enough, the huge medical expenses and the insurance companies would come to the roleplay. As mentioned above, insurers of the truck companies always want to pay a negligible amount or nothing.

This is where our experienced lawyer can come to the rescue. Starting from the paperwork to negotiating with the insurance companies-we, do everything to maximize your compensation. 

No matter how complicated your case is, our lawyer has all kinds of expertise to handle the case. So the ball remains in your court. You will always find our lawyers beside you as a saviour from the beginning to the end.

Last but not least, Dont let the insurance companies fool you. Instead, let our experts handle it. Besides, you dont have to worry about paying us unless you get paid.

Get in touch with us

Contacting us will reduce your chances of making any big mistakes. So, what are you waiting for?

Our experts are always available 24/7 to serve you online and offline. For any queries or confusion, you can call us at (403) 237-9777 or email us at We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the below most commonly asked queries that most people remain confused about:

Is it worth getting a lawyer for a minor truck accident?

Whether or not you must hire a lawyer depends on several conditions. However, one point to note is that talking with them doesn’t necessarily mean you have to hire them.

Always remember that an accident is an accident and comes with a lot of hazardous situations. Hence, the best call is to consult with an experienced lawyer, even if it is a minor accident.

Do semi-truck accidents go to trial?

We always try our level best to settle outside of court. However, if the settlement isn’t reasonable, we remain fully prepared to take your case to the hearing and give a tough fight to the other party, ensuring maximum compensation.

What percentage do accident lawyers take?

Frankly speaking, there is no exact percentage, as it tends to differ from firm to firm, depending on the case. But, it generally fluctuates between 30%-40% of the total settlement in most cases.



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